Annie Lennox – “Legend In My Living Room”
December 17, 2018
The thirteenth Skipped on Shuffle episode will be focused on the song “Legend In My Living Room” by Annie Lennox off her album Diva.
After her stint with the popular and groundbreaking synth duo Eurythmics, vocalist Annie Lennox set off on her own for a solo career. Her debut album, Diva, was a critical and commercial smash, in some ways outdoing her work with her previous group.
Although Diva has some incredibly famous songs like “Walking On Broken Glass” and “Why,” there are still some buried gems in there which don’t get as much attention. “Legend In My Living Room” is one such song, and it showcases Lennox’s soul roots as well as her power as a vocalist and storyteller. It also acts as a parable for her own personal struggles before she rose to rame with Eurythmics, and acts as an empowering — if still satirical — feminist anthem.